The Chisholm Trail ran from the stockyards in Fort Worth, Texas to Abilene, Kansas, and right through Duncan. You will feel like you are on the trail when you visit the Chisholm Trail Heritage Center. Featuring the Southwest’s largest western-themed bronze statue, meet and learn from Jesse and Tex, whose life-like figures talk to you about life on the trail, use all your senses to experience the Old Trail in the multi-sensory Chisholm Trail Experience Theatre, and view additional dioramas, displays, and an art gallery.

Travel to the Trail Ruts at Monument Hill to view visible remains of the famed Chisholm Trail etched by the hooves of millions of cattle. Monument Hill was a landmark visible to trail hands from more than twenty miles away. It is located in Addington, 20 miles south of Duncan on Highway 81. Nearby is cowboy Tom Latimer’s Tombstone.

There are also ruts located in and near Duncan. Much of the original trail is paved or is on private property. Trail rut markers may be found at:
- 1813 N Hwy 81
- Chisholm Trail Parkway between Elk and Plato
- Plato between Chisholm Trail Parkway and the Duncan Bypass
- The intersection of W. Elk and Country Club Rd
- Chestnut and N Street