Kiddieland Express Holiday Experience
- Venue: Kiddieland Park (map details)
- Dates: Fri, December 6, 2024
- Times: 6:00 pm8:00 pm
- Contact: Brittany Maxwell (580) 656-7879
Kiddieland will be doing its holiday themed event on the following dates and times in Fuqua Park East.
Friday and Saturday December 6 & 7 6 pm to 8 pm
Friday and Saturday December 13 & 14 6pm to 8pm
We will not operate this year on Sundays.
Main Street’s Downtown Xmas parade will be Saturday, Dec. 6, at 3pm. This provides several family friendly things in Duncan on Dec. 6 to kick off the Christmas season.
We added a second weekend this year due to popular demand. Tickets are $5 each.
We will decorate Kiddieland in a traditional theme. We will run the train, carousel, give out hot hot cocoa and a cookie, have Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus, a give-away, and a Santa letter writing station. A special speaker will be reading “Twas the Night Before Christmas” to the train riders when it makes its final round, stopping to hear this.
- Venue: Kiddieland Park
- Address: Beech Ave & Hwy 81Duncan,Oklahoma